
Spin Away!

For those of you who might not know, I am a certified spin instructor and absolutely crazy in love with spinning (obviously).  I had tried a few spin classes in college and at various gyms when I was younger, but I really got into it when I went to law school.  I started to get a little bored with running and I had heard really positive things about the spin classes offered at the gym I joined when I moved to Baltimore.  I gave it a shot and quickly became hooked.  I don't know what it was about spinning that I loved so much - maybe the instructor(s), music, flashing lights, bikes - it could have been any number of things.  But I kept up with it until two of the instructors at my gym eventually convinced me to become certified myself.  Honestly, greatest health-related decision I have made by far.  

I usually try to recruit my friends to come to my classes when they can.  Some of them are excited and come every week, and others laugh in my face and say "I would die."  My response: "No, you will not."  One of the best things about spinning is you make it your own workout.  As the instructor, I cannot tell whether you are on the heaviest resistance allowable on that bike, or whether you have absolutely zero resistance on it at all.  Yes, I can see whether you are spinning fast or slow, but in all honesty, I really can't tell exactly how fast (or slow) you're going.  This is why it is your workout - it is up to you to add up the resistance, and if you don't then that is on you.  Of course, I try to explain this to my timid friends who fear they will lapse into cardiac arrest 10 minutes in, but some of them still don't get it.  

My roommate shared with me this awesome article (yes, another article) from Elite Daily, 23 Reasons Why You Should Date a Girl Who Spins, and obviously I am in love with it.  After reading that article I was inspired to post about some of the benefits of spinning that you may or may not know about.  I am doing this in hopes that, if you haven't already, you will give a spinning class a shot!  

1. Burn Calories (duh!) 

A 60-minute class (which is what I teach) will net you anywhere from about 600-800 calories, depending on the intensity of your workout (i.e. resistance on the bike).  Think of all the food this means you can consume after class!

2. Build Muscle Tone

It goes without saying that spinning will build and tone your leg muscles - hammies, quads and thighs.  But did you know you also are toning your core, too?  If you maintain proper form and position your abdominal muscles are going to get one hell of a workout!  Bye bye crunches!

3. Increase Cardio Endurance

Typically, a "regular" spin class will have an "endurance ride."  This could be 5 minutes or it could be 25 minutes (depending upon your instructor), and it typically is a ride on a semi-flat road.  This is extremely beneficial for people who feel winded after mild exertion, such as climbing a flight or two of stairs.  Unfortunately (maybe?), I don't do an endurance ride because my class focuses on high-intensity interval training, which means you haul ass for quick intervals at a time.  Regardless of the type of class you take, you're going to build up your endurance for sure. 

4. Low Impact

Unlike running, spinning is extremely low impact.  In other words, you don't put a lot of pressure on your knees and joints.  This is why spinning is especially good for people with knee problems or who suffer from arthritis.

5. Relieve Stress

Again, duh!  Yes, pretty much any type of exercise will reduce stress.  But, spin classes are unique in that you have to remove yourself from anything and everything outside of the spin room.  What I mean is, you actually have to put your phone away during class (I know, a-b-s-u-r-d, right?!).  If you are anything like me, you cannot stand the girls who talk on their phones wile on the elliptical or who text while walking on an incline on the treadmill.  Even though you are working out, you still have way too much access to your phone (and thus, work, responsibilities, life, etc.).  When you come into spin class, lights go off, phones go away, and we spin.  It is dark in these rooms for a reason - to make it super obvious and awkward when you pull out your phone and it starts lighting up.  Spin class is your chance to have one hour to yourself and only yourself - I promise you, you can manage to be without your phone for 60 minutes.

6. Year Round

The great thing about spinning is you never have an excuse based on the weather, time of day, etc. to not go!  Spinning can be performed at any time of the year.  Trust me, I am the first one to say, "I'm not going running ... it is too cold outside."  No excuses when there is a bike indoors!

7. Reduce Risks of Injury

Unlike some other forms of exercise, spinning reduces the likelihood of injuries.  Unless you fall off of the bike (I have seen it happen before), as long as you stretch and don't do anything wacky on the bike, you probably will be safe from an injury.  If you get hurt, sorry, but don't come back and quote this post and blame me!

8. Push Yourself Further

I guarantee you will push yourself further in a spin class than you will working out individually or without instruction.  I know this because I absolutely push myself beyond what I think is my "max" when I take a spin class.  Maybe it is because I feel like I am "competing" with the people around me, or because I feel pressure from the instructor at the front of the room.  Whatever it is, it works and you will find out that what you thought was your max really isn't your max at all...

9. Awesome Music (hopefully)

I know that a great workout is largely due to the music.  Most spin classes have killer music with a great beat to follow along with.  Everyone works harder when listening to music with a faster tempo.  And, who knows, maybe you will discover some new jams to add to your iTunes library :)

10. The Feeling of Leaving (ahh, the best part of class: the end)

Actually, it is more like the feelingS of leaving: accomplished, euphoric, energized - just to name a few.  I typically try to make the last song of class extra energizing and fun so everyone finishes on a good note and remembers it as they leave.  It is a great feeling to walk out of that room knowing you just got worked and oddly enjoyed it!

Choosing to take a spin class does not mean you have to (or should) give up your other forms of exercising.  In fact, it is good to mix it up with different forms of cardio and especially some strength training.  No matter what you choose, spinning in any capacity is great for you and will advance your fitness.  So, don't be scared ... give it a try!  Let me know how you did :)

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